Acupuncture is the most important treatment method from Traditional Chinese Medicine employed by the OrthoCenter in Munich
Acupuncture is the most important method of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine in Western Europe. Your reach into the Neolithic period (8000-5000 BC.) Back, so she is one of the oldest forms of healing at all. At this Time you first used polished stones, bamboo and later bronze needles to cure diseases. Acupuncture is based on the theory of Yin and Yang, which was later supplemented by the five-element theory and the theory of meridians. They used three methods:
- inserting needles into the acupuncture points
- heating the points (moxibustion)
- massage the points (Tuina, acupressure)
Your advantages at OrthoCenter Munich
- Orthopedic treatment focus on spinetherapy
- Wide range of conservative and operative procedures
- Gentle procedures in focus: Dr. Riedel specializes in gentle pain therapy. He was head physician in various pain clinics for over 20 years
- Joints and surgical expert: Prof. Dr. Lill specializes in the treatment of joints. He has years of experience in the field of minimally invasiveand arthroscopic ops.
- Cooperation with clinics and research institutes worldwide
- Renowned private practice: the OrthoCenter is internationally known and repeatedly welcomes patients from abroad who come to Munich for treatment