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Joint Orthopedics


It is estimated that over 20 million Germans suffer from joint pain. According to a study conducted by the Ruhr Universität Bochum, this figure increases to two out of five people in people aged 40 to 49 years. However, only every third person goes visits their doctor when suffering from joint pain, although modern therapy methods could often provide quick relief.


Causes of joint pain

The most frequent causes of joint pain are injuries and degenerative illnesses. In the case of joint injuries sustained during professional and hobby sport or occupational acute physical stress, tendons, cartilage, ligaments and bones can become damaged. Damage from wear (arthritis) is generally caused by uneven or too great a strain on the joint surface. Sport injuries to the knee (cruciate ligament tear, meniscus tear), the shoulder (rotator cuff tear, labrum tear) and other joints that have been insufficiently treated can also trigger premature arthritis.

It is important that arthritis be diagnosed at an early stage to increase the chances of recovery. The reason for this is that if arthritis is first diagnosed at an advanced stage, artificial joint replacement is often the only remedy. This is often linked to significant restrictions, especially for younger, active persons.

Inflammatory processes can also act as a trigger. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, which affects mostly the joints in the hand and foot, parts of the joint tissue are regarded as foreign by the body, for example. This generally triggers an extremely painful defence mechanism. Early diagnosis is essential to avoid consequential damage.

Our treatment options


Joint pain is not only caused by injury or degenerative illness (arthritis). Numerous autoimmune diseases, bacterial infections or metabolic problems can affect the joints and lead to cartilage atrophy and inflammatory joint changes. A precise diagnosis is thus of crucial significance for the correct treatment.

To determine the cause of acute or chronic joint pain, it is necessary to perform an in-depth clinical examination and additional imaging diagnostic procedures by means of ultrasound (sonography), X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT).

Based on this information, we are able to create an individual therapy concept for our patients. This focuses initially on the broad range of conservative therapy options, as the majority of joint complaints can generally be treated safely and effectively with these.

Treatment – conservative

The basis for conservative treatment is initially specific minimally invasive pain therapy. Medication can relieve the pain and inhibit inflammation during the treatment. Depending on the cause of the joint pain, physiotherapy, strengthening and stretching of the muscles and sports that are easy on the joints such as swimming and cycling can relieve the complaints by building up the muscles and relieving the joints.

Conservative treatments also include heat and cold treatments, water and bath therapy, electrotherapy and ultrasound as well as hyaluronic acid injections and injections of blood plasma (PRP). Orthopaedic aids can also be applied depending on the problem, for example bandages, wedge pillows, booster seats, buffer heels or customised shoe inlays.

Treatment – operative

f the conservative treatment methods do not lead to the desired relief, or if there is already serious damage to the joints due to injury or wear, operative therapy options can be used as a remedy.

Most joint problems can be relieved or cured with an operation. The selection of treatment methods is based on the type and localisation of the causative disorder. As a result of the constant technical progress in medicine, we essentially use state-of-the-art, so-called minimally invasive techniques that do not damage tissue.

Arthroscopy, a gentler version of the surgical procedure on the joint, provides relief from joint pain. This method can be used on the knee to successfully treat a torn meniscus, cartilage damage or a tear in the cruciate ligament. Impingement syndrome (swimmer’s shoulder), a labrum tear (instability) or a tear in the rotary cuff on the shoulder can be extremely well-treated with keyhole surgery. We also perform arthroscopic operations very successfully on the ankle and hip joints. The surgical instruments are inserted through a small incision – reducing the healing time.

If there is acute cartilage damage, cartilage cell transplantation can eliminate the pain. This involves removing healthy cartilage cells from the joint, growing them in the laboratory and finally implanting them in the joint in a minimally invasive manner.

If the joint pain, which has been caused by wear, is too far advanced, often the only option for pain relief is a partial (hemi prosthesis, sled prosthesis) or complete end prosthesis (knee prosthesis, hip prosthesis, shoulder prosthesis). In this procedure, the damaged joint section is removed and replaced with an implant individually adapted to the needs of the patient. This operation is generally conducted in a minimally invasive manner and thus as gently as possible.

Prof. Dr. Lill OrthoCenter München

Your joint specialist Prof. Dr. Lill


Professor Dr med. Lill would be happy to conduct a comprehensive examination of your joint to stop any progressive joint degeneration as quickly as possible. Make an appointment online with us at the OrthoCenter Munich.


Treatment of hand pain in Munich

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Diagnosis of hand pain in Munich

At the beginning, the focus is on a detailed discussion with the patient about the medical history and causes. This is followed by a detailed clinical examination with a movement check to determine the exact extent of the functional impairment. In many cases we use what are known as imaging procedures; these are helpful to consolidate the diagnosis. Ultrasound (sonography), x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) or computed tomography (CT) are available. We then create a therapy concept that is individually tailored to the patient and initially focuses on the broad spectrum of conservative treatment options. This will usually treat you effectively and safely for most hand complaints.

Your advantages at OrthoCenter Munich

  • Orthopedic Treatment Focus: Specialization in the treatment of knee, shoulder, hip, and ankle injuries
  • Wide Range of Conservative and Surgical Procedures
  • Focus on Sports Orthopedics and Traumatology: PD Dr. med. Daniel P. Berthold is a specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery with outstanding expertise in the treatment of shoulder, elbow, knee, and ankle injuries.
  • Joint and Surgery Expert: Professor Dr. Lill specializes in the treatment of joints and has years of experience in minimally invasive and arthroscopic procedures.
  • Collaboration with Leading Clinics and Research Institutes Worldwide
  • Renowned Private Practice: OrthoCenter is internationally recognized and frequently welcomes patients from abroad who travel to Munich for treatment.


Dupuytren’s contracture

Causes & symptoms:

Usually occurring as a benign connective-tissue growth, this usually causes a contracture of the middle and ring fingers. Frequently, the patient will experience pain and knots on the palm of the hand. Morbus Dupuytren rarely affects the index finger and thumb. Treatment is always necessary even if the disease causes no pain, as the benign growths will not cease to enlarge. Therefore the earlier one undergoes surgery, the better chance one has of a successful outcome.


Surgery is necessary to treat Dupuytren’s Contracture if one or more of your fingers cannot be straightened from their bent position. The diseased connective tissue will be removed, restoring full movement of the hand and fingers. You should not wait long to have surgery, as the longer you wait, the lower your chances of a complete recovery. It is therefore advisable that you contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Causes & Symptoms:

The median nerve goes through the so-called “carpal tunnel” which runs along the palm and flexor tendons. This nerve is responsible for the rotation of the hand as well as for flexion of the hand. If this tunnel becomes narrower and therefore susceptible to additional pressure, we call this Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Most people affected by this condition are over the age of 35.

The first sign of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a spreading of pain at night from the hand into the lower and upper arm. As the disease progresses, the pain will be felt throughout the daytime as well. More and more you will notice the muscles in your hands becoming weak and you may even experience paralysis. Although the pain may disappear at times, this may not be a good sign. This is an indication that the median nerve is being gradually destroyed. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome generally occurs in conjunction with tendonitis. Causes can range from injuries, such as dislocations, to hormonal changes, such as those experienced during pregnancy. Measuring the speed of conduction in the nerves helps to provide an accurate diagnosis.


Once Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is diagnosed, the first course of treatment involves the implementation of orthopaedic devices like splints and braces. Additionally, heat and cold therapy and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs can have a positive result. If these conservative treatments fail to produce results, surgical treatment is unavoidable. By enlarging the carpal tunnel, pressure will be taken off the median nerve and full conductivity will be restored.

Trigger or tenosynovitis finger

Causes & Symptoms:

If one of your fingers snaps outward when you try to extend it, you may be experiencing what is known as trigger finger. This happens because the tendon that allows for flexion of the finger no longer slides freely through the first annular ligament. At an advanced stage of the condition, the only way to straighten the finger is by using the other hand to help it. This form of tenosynovitis can cause pain and treatment is necessary to correct this problem.


Most cases of trigger finger require surgery in order to completely correct the condition. In this case, the annular ligament is cut open and the flexor tendon cut in half. The now smaller tendon should be able to glide freely while bending the finger.

Arthritis finger joint

Causes & Symptoms:

Whether you are typing on a computer, trying to pick up an object or attempting to make a fist, the first signs and symptoms of arthritis include stiffness coupled with swelling and joint pain. If the arthritis is already well advanced, you may even notice joint pain without moving your fingers. Excessive wear on the basal thumb joint, called rhizarthrosis, is a common type of arthritis. An orthopaedic specialist can accurately diagnose the type of arthritis by using an x-ray. Different treatments will then be implemented depending on the type of arthritis and the stage of the condition.


Treatment of finger joint arthritis aims to relieve pain, improve mobility and strength and simultaneously stop the excessive wear that may have caused the problem. It will be up to the specialist whether or not your arthritis is treated with orthopaedic devices and/or drugs. Working with an occupational therapist to change your typical movement patterns can have a positive effect on the progression of your arthritis. Surgical procedures are generally only considered when the arthritis has reached an advanced stage and all other treatment options have been exhausted. In an advanced case of rhizarthrosis, full mobility can be restored with the help of a prosthetic joint. Nerves can also be severed to achieve life-long relief from joint pain. Finger and joint pain are typical symptoms of arthritis and should be examined by a specialist. If left untreated, arthritis can progress, causing severe pain and loss of mobility.

Prof. Dr. Lill OrthoCenter München

Your hand specialist Prof. Dr. Lill


Do not hesitate! Contact Professor Lill today to schedule an appointment. This experienced orthopedic doctor has plenty of experience in treating hand pain and will certainly be able to help you.



Unsere Fachärzte für Orthopädie sind Mitglieder in den folgenden Gesellschaften und Organisationen. Ziel dieser Gesellschaften ist eine optimale Vernetzung der Fachärzte und der Wissenstransfer – so halten wir unser Know-How stets auf dem neuesten Stand.

Gesellschaften & Organisationen


Unsere Fachärzte für Orthopädie sind Mitglieder in den folgenden Gesellschaften und Organisationen. Ziel dieser Gesellschaften ist eine optimale Vernetzung der Fachärzte und der Wissenstransfer – so halten wir unser Know-How stets auf dem neuesten Stand.

Kooperation mit Lufthansa internationale Patienten
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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie e.V. (DGOU)
Swiss Airlines Partnerschaft für internationale Patienten
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Brussels Airlines PArtnerschaft Anreise für internationale Patienten
Austrian Airlines Partnerschaft für Anreise der internationalen Patienten
Logo Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie